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Photo Albums

Ice Cream With Prez Hess

a man and woman standing together

President Gregory Hess and his wife Laura welcomes 245 freshmen to Elston Homestead.

a man shaking hands with another man

President Hess took the time to shake each freshman's hand upon arrival.

a man shaking hands with another man

... and kept shaking ...

a group of people standing in a line

That hand shake line was a long one.

a group of people walking on a sidewalk

Mrs. Hess joined in the welcoming chores.

a group of people standing around a table

... and then it was time for ice cream.

a man eating ice cream

Jake Haste, Coatesville, IN., seems to be enjoying the treat.

a man eating food with a spoon

Adam Burnter, Brownsburg, adds some toppings.

a group of people standing in a line

The ice cream line grew as long as the welcome line.

a man eating food with a bowl of food

Herschel Springer, Atlanta, Ga., was sitting with some buddies ...

a group of men sitting on grass

Some guys made themselves at home on the lawn....

a group of young men eating food outside

... while others enjoyed there ice cream standing.

a man standing next to a person in a garment

Oh! There's Wally! Time for photos!

a man posing with a large mascot

Big grins for Wally!

a man talking to another man

And there was time for more chatting with the first-year students.

a woman posing with a mascot

Every one wants a photo with Wally! Even Mrs. Hess!

a man in a red hat

President Hess gave brief remarks to wrap up five days of orientation.

a group of people in red shirts

The President belts out Old Wabash with orientation leader Jacob Burnett '15

a man and woman smiling for a picture

Lora Hess shares a grin with Ahmed Ipesa-Bahogun, Brownsburg

a group of people in red shirts posing for a photo

Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2013 Freshmen Orientation Leaders

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