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Photo Albums

Chapel Sing 2013 - HH

a man in red shirt and white hat

Sphinx Club President Ian Baumgardner '14 gets things underway. Photos by Howard Hewitt

a man in a red shirt

Club members kept an eye on the freshmen.

a group of men with their mouth open

Kyle Morgan '16 was taken into the Chapel and came back out without a W!!

a person holding a camera

Chapel Sing is a great event for photographers!

a man wearing a white hat

Beta Mac Norton belts out

a group of men in white shirts

Freshman blogger Audie Kaufman sings it!

a man with his mouth open

Colin Thompson

a man with his mouth open

Sophomore Fiji pledge Patrick Bryant '16

a man in a white shirt

Free Kashon '17 with a pair of Sphinx Club eyes on him.

a man with crutches and a white shirt

Inhaler and crutches don't stop this freshman - Always Means Always!

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