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2013 Homecoming Alumni Chapel

a man laughing at another man

James Durham '64 greets friends prior to the Alumni Awards Chapel.

a man standing at a podium

President of the NAWM Board Greg Estell '85 welcomes the family, friends, and alumni packed in the Chapel to the Alumni Awards Chapel.

a group of men in suits singing

The Glee Club kicked off the Alumni Awards Chapel by leading the group in Old Wabash.

a man in a suit and tie standing at a podium

The 16th President of Wabash College Gregory Hess offers a hearty congratulations to all the award winners at Alumni Awards Chapel.

a group of men holding a certificate

James R. Durham '64 is named an Alumni Admissions Fellow at the Alumni Awards Chapel.

a group of men holding a certificate

Alumni Admissions Fellow Frederick A. Haase '71 with Greg Estell '85 and President Gregory Hess.

a group of men holding a certificate

Jeffrey A. Been '81 is named an Alumni Career Services Fellow.

a group of people holding a certificate

The parents of Ethan A. Olberding '99 accepted the Jeremy Robert Wright Young Alumnus Award on behalf of their son.

a man in a red jacket talking to another man

John B. Goodrich '67 is congratulated by President Gregory Hess.

a group of men holding a diploma

The Fredrick J. Urbaska Civic Service Award winner John B. Goodrich

a group of men holding a certificate

The Clarence A. Jackson Career Service Award winner Richard J. Stephenson '62

a man in a suit and tie smiling

James L. Amidon, Jr. '87 smiles during the presentation of his Frank W. Misch Alumni Service Award.

a woman taking a selfie

Sammie Amidon, daughter of James L. Amidon, Jr. '87 snaps a photo of her dad as he is named the Frank W. Misch Alumni Service Award winner.

men in suits holding a framed award

James L. Amidon, Jr. - Frank W. Misch Alumni Service Award winner.

a man and woman hugging each other

Alison Kothe H'69

a group of people holding a certificate

Alison Kothe is named an Honorary Alumna Class of 1969.

a group of men holding a certificate

Jimmy Haffner - Honorary Alumnus Class of 1998.

a man in a suit and tie

In keeping with tradition the Glee Club President leads the Glee Club in Alma Mater.

a man in a suit and tie looking at another man

Jimmy Haffner H'98 is congratulated by Dean of Admissions Steve Klein.

a man in a red shirt

Cal Black '66 returned for Alumni Awards Chapel.

a man in a suit and tie

Jeffrey A. Been '81 at the conclusion of Alumni Awards Chapel.

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