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Homecoming Tailgating & Halftime

a group of people outside under a white tent

Homecoming is always a big tailgate weekend.

a boy holding a football in front of a table with other cars

Youngsters throw a ball around.

a group of people standing next to a car

Former LG defensive lineman takes some selfies with family

hamburger burgers cooking on a grill

Look at the flame beneath those burgers - you can almost smell the goodness.

a man wearing a red hat and sunglasses

Former Little Giant and Buffalo Bill Pete Metzelaars '82 was enjoying the pregame festivities.

a group of people sitting in chairs under tents

The tailgating area was packed.

a group of men wearing sunglasses

Frank Kolisek '82 holding court.

a woman pointing at a group of people

Always time for some tailgate games before kickoff

a group of men wearing red jerseys

Members of the football team selling old game jerseys

a group of people standing on grass

Dr. Richard Bowen and the Glee Club perform the national anthem.

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