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Alumni Take the Stage at Homecoming Concert

a group of men singing in a choir

With a near-record 60 singers on the roster and 55 available for Saturday's Homecoming Concert, the Wabash College Glee Club, directed by Professor Richard Bowen, brought plenty of volume, spirit, and beautiful music to a packed Salter Hall.

a group of men singing

Always one of the highlights of the Homecoming Concert, Glee Club alumni are invited to the stage to sing Alma Mater.

a man and woman sitting in a crowd

Alumni in the audience sing along during Old Wabash and Alma Mater.

a man in a suit pointing his finger

Director Richard Bowen and his 55 singers opened the concert with The Star-Spangled Banner, sung in Salter Lobby.

a man in a suit pointing to a group of people

The national anthem carries beautifully into Salter Hall when sung in the lobby.

a group of men singing

After the national anthem, the Glee Club strides into Salter Hall singing Old Wabash.

a poster with a group of men in suits

A recruiting poster that worked! The Glee Club has near-record number of singers this year.

a group of men wearing suits and ties

The Glee Club sings the Quaker tune, 'How Can I Keep from Singing.'

a man in a suit and tie

Junior Pierce Velderman's solo of Danny Boy was exquisite.

a man in a suit speaking into a microphone

Bowen directs the singers.

a group of men singing in a choir

Despite having only six practices under their belts before Saturday's concert and freshmen tired from Homecoming preparations, the Glee Club sang so well they earned an encore.

a man in a suit raising his hands

Glee Club President Zachary Goldberg ’14 leads both current and alumni Glee Club members in Alma Mater.

a man in a suit and tie

An alumnus congratulates Goldberg on his directing.

a group of men singing

Alums, including Professor Scott Himsel and Rob Shook, join in during Alma Mater.

a group of men standing in a row

Alums take the stage for Alma Mater

a group of men talking

Half the fun of the Homecoming Concert is the conversation afterward. Here Jim Kirchhoffer ’55 talks with a fellow alumnus.

a group of people clapping

Rob Shook and other audience members cheer on the singers.

a man in a red sweatshirt

Jordan Plohr ’12 enjoys being back on campus.

a man in a white shirt

Professor Scott Himsel holds court.

a man and woman sitting on a bench

Accompanist Cheryl Everett and Professor David Blix ’70 enjoy conversation after the concert.

a man in a suit and tie holding a cane

Freshman Dan McCarthy managed to process and sing in Saturday's concert despite a foot injury and with a little help from a cane made by his grandfather, Professor and Dean and Wabash legend Vic Powell H’55.

a man in a suit and tie

Relaxing after the concert and the final official event of Homecoming 2013

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