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Wabash 48,Wooster 14, No. 1

a football player running with a football

Houston Hodges had five catches for 42 yards

a football player running with a football

Zurek had a monster day with 228 yards on 25 carries.

a football player falling over another football player

Nate Scola gets his hands on Scot quarterback Richard Barnes

a football player in a uniform

Sean Hildebrand was more than wide open for the game's second score - he trotted into the endzone.

a football player running with a football in his hand

Anthony Stella down the sideline.

a group of football players running on a field

Hodges with an eye on defenders

a group of football players on a field

Barnes was under pressure all day. The LGs collected 7 sacks

a group of football players on a field

Zurek huddles his own blocker to gain a few more yards

a football players running on a field

Charlie Kolisek protecting the flank for Stella.

a football player running with a football

Stella gained 49 yards.

a group of football players on a field

Michael Putko hangs another score on Wooster and disappointment on the Scot defense.

a group of people playing football

Hodges gaining yards in the rain.

a group of football players on a field

A.J. Akinribade on the tackle

a football player running with the ball

Zurek up the middle in the heavier rain.

a group of football players on a field

The sophomore back breaks this tackle and ends up with a score.

a football player being tackled by another football player

Evan Rutter '15 with the sack on Barnes

a football player holding another player

Justin Woods on the return

a group of football players running with a football

It took three Scot defenders to eventually wrestle Zurek to the ground after another long run.

a football player running with the ball

Zurek following his blockers.

a group of football players on a field

Sean Hildebrand gaining ground after one of his four catches.

a group of people playing football

Tyler McCullen forces a Barnes fumble ... right in front of Nate Scola..

a football player holding a football

Scola scooped up the ball and 66 yards for Wabash's final score.

a group of people playing football

Barnes gets away from one LG defender but still has Jack Montgomery in pursuit.

a group of football players on a field

There was nothing up the middle on this Barnes' run.

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