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Wabash Day 10/05/2013

a group of people outside a house

Crawfordsville - Many Wabash students joined community members, alumni, and students from other schools at Habitat for Humanity for Wabash Day. -Photos by Kendall Baker '16

a couple of men cleaning a roof

The gutters needed cleaning.

a man driving a lawn mower

Wabash students even mowed the grass.

a group of people walking on a path

Members of Phi Gamma Delta were excited to start work for Wabash Day -Following pictures by Corey Egler '15

a man standing next to a tree

Crawfordsville Mayor Todd Barton '00 joined students at Milligan Park

a group of men standing in a hallway

Bill Fell '75 and students moved boxes at the Carnegie Museum

a couple of men cleaning a bunk bed

students did some cleaning for Pam's Promise

a group of people posing for a photo

Members of Kappa Sigma did some serious landscaping at the American Red Cross

a group of people behind bars

Students were locked away after helping out at the Historic Rotary Jail and museum

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