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The Inauguration of Greg Hess, 16th President of Wabash College

a man in a robe and glasses

'I believe in Wabash. I believe in the mission of this great College,' Dr. Gregory Hess told a packed Wabash Pioneer Chapel Friday as he was inaugurated the 16th President of Wabash College. 'I believe that uncommon good can come from a few good men willing to think critically, act responsibly, lead effectively, and live humanely.'

a white card with red text

'Simple Gifts' was the theme of President Hess's inauguration.

a woman playing a clarinet

Wabash Grants Director Deborah Woods, accompanied by Cheryl Everett on piano, played a moving version of the Shaker hymn 'Simple Gifts.'

a man in a robe and cap standing in a room with other people

Professor of English and Faculty Marshall Tobey Herzog H’11 led the procession of faculty, trustees, and invited guests into the Chapel.

a group of men in suits and ties standing in a room with people in the background

Eight student marshalls assisted the procession.

a man wearing a graduation gown and cap

President Hess reaches the front of the Chapel.

a man in a robe standing at a podium

Associate Professor of Religion Derek Nelson ’99 began the ceremony with an invocation:'O God of Light, this College is no better than its people, no different from its people. Take, then, what goodness we may have, and deepen it; our good will and strengthen it; our good judgment and intensify it. Where we lack courage, where sloth and pride creep in, purify us. May we, who can be so hard to lead, be led by the wisdom that seeks justice, and by clear eyes that delight in the possible.'

a group of young men singing

The 60-strong Wabash College Glee Club sings the anthem, 'Things That Never Die,' by Lee Dengler, with text by Charles Dickens.

a man in a robe talking to a man

Professor Richard Bowen conducts the Glee Club.

a man standing at a podium

Student Body President Jeremy Wentzel ’14 welcomes President Hess on behalf of the students.

a woman in a black robe

Professor of Economics Kay Widdows congratulates Wentzel on his speech.

a woman in a black robe

Professor Widdows welcomes President Hess on behalf of the faculty.

a man standing at a podium

National Association of Wabash Men President Greg Estell ’85 welcomed the president on behalf of the alumni.

a man in a robe reading a book

Chair of the Board of Trustees Stephen Bowen ’68 presents President Hess with the College's original charter.

a man wearing a robe and glasses

President Hess accepts the charter and is welcomed to the lectern by Bowen.

a man standing at a podium

' While the problems facing higher education and the world are complex, the solutions need not be. Amidst the jostle and the fray and the haranguing static and noise that often surround our academic endeavor, stands our foundation: the simple gifts of the liberal arts.'

a man in a black robe at a podium

'There is a story here at Wabash that spans lives and generations, and I won’t ever forget that fact, or the sacrifices and generosity of those who have made this College great. I will be a steward of the love and the joy that you hold for this great institution, and I will, by my efforts, be worthy of the trust that you place in me.'

a group of people standing at a podium clapping

President Hess receives a standing ovation.

a man and woman standing together

The president's father, Joe Hess, applauds his son.

a man in a black robe sitting in a chair

President Hess relaxes for a moment to take it all in.

a man in a graduation gown

Dr. Gregory D. Hess, 16th President of Wabash College

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