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Inauguration of Greg Hess, Party with the Prez I

a child standing in grass

Chanlie Busch, daughter of Roger and Cassie Busch, enjoys Party with the Prez, the students' celebration of the inauguration of President Greg Hess.

a man wearing a red shirt and glasses holding a food and a bottle

Professor of Mathematics Colin McKinney

a group of people cooking food at a picnic

Bon Apetit chefs prepare food for the celebration.

a group of people standing around a food truck

The EMT Food Truck (Emergency Munchie Truck) was one of six food vendors at the celebration.

a group of men playing guitars on stage

Wabash Center of Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion Associate Director Paul Myhre and his band, 2 Taks Back, got 'Party with the Prez' off to a rollicking start.

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