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Inauguration of Greg Hess, Party with the Prez

a woman singing into a microphone

Senior Assistant Director of Financial Aid LaToshia Everson and her husband, Joel, brought their band War Radio to the Student Celebration Saturday night.

a man singing into a microphone with a guitar

Joel Everson and War Radio

a group of people playing guitar on a stage

LaToshia Everson, Steve St. Pierre, and Joel Everson

a man playing guitar with another man on stage

Lead Guitarist Steve St. Pierre and Joel Everson

a woman singing into a microphone

LaToshia Everson

a man with glasses and a guitar

Joel Everson

a man in a hat playing guitar

Steve St. Pierre

a woman singing into a microphone with a man playing guitar

LaToshia and Joel Everson with War Radio

a group of men playing instruments on a stage

Paul Myhre from 2 Taks Back (and the Wabash Center) sat in with War Radio on bass.

a man and woman singing into a microphone

LaToshia and Joel Everson

a man playing a guitar

Paul Myhre

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