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Wabash 66, Hiram 0, No. 2

a football player in a helmet with a ball in his hand

A.J. Clark gets to the quarterback in the second half.

a football player holding a football

Porter on the carry.

a group of football players on a field

Matt Gibson takes this one in for the score.

a group of football players on a field

Connor Karns in on another stop.

a group of football players running with a ball

Senior QB Andy Walsh with the carry.

a group of football players on a field

Punter Cam MacDougall gets away a second-half kick.

a football player running with a ball

Gibson gaining big yards.

a football player diving for a ball

Gibson dives for the score.

a man standing next to a truck

The Indianapolis Cots traveling interactive exhibit was parked in front of the Chapel for today's Family Day Activities.

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