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Wakka Wakka Workshop

a man with his hands out

Wakka Wakka, a critically-acclaimed New York City puppet group is performing in Ball Theater on Thursday. Students had the opportunity to participate in a storytelling and object manipulation workshop with two of the members of the group. Here Peter Russo introduces the first exercise.

a man holding a pair of scissors

Fergus J. Walsh, member of the puppet group Wakka Wakka, demonstrates how to 'give life' to an inanimate object.

a man holding a pair of scissors

Fellow group member Peter Russo joins in with a spoon.

a man sitting on the floor holding a coconut

Zach Canon '16 explores ways to bring life to his 'puppet' during the storytelling and object manipulation workshop.

a man holding a green bubble wrap

Rory Willats '17 turns a roll of bubble wrap into a bird.

a man holding a green object

Peter Russo gives feedback after the demonstration by Willats.

a man sitting on the floor

Fergus J. Walsh offers his feedback as well.

a man looking at a doll

Chris McCloskey '14 chose a hat as his puppet.

a man sitting at a table

Brad Hopper '14 finishes up introducing his life-like pen to the group.

a man kneeling on the floor

Russo gives Hopper suggestions on improving his technique.

a man holding a puppet

After the students practiced techniques of storytelling Russo and Walsh demonstrated with one of their puppets.

a man holding a puppet

Many of their puppets require two or more people to manipulate the pieces to adequately tell the story.

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