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Wabash in Cuba - Album 1

a man holding a sign

The Wabash students' tour guide while in Havana was William Burrowes.

a sign board with white text

The only advertising in Havana is government propaganda.

a billboard with a group of men on it

More anti-US propaganda

a group of cars on a street

American cars from the 1950s are more plentiful than grocery stores.

a group of people standing around a fire

Students capped their first night in Havana by witnessing a ceremonial reenactment of the Spanish defense of the island.

a group of people in white uniforms holding torches

The ceremony ends with a loud cannon fire.

a person's hands holding a cigar

William Burrowes gave a lecture and demonstration on the cigar culture in Cuba.

a man smoking a cigar

William shows the students the proper way to enjoy a Cohiba cigar.

a sunset over a city

Sunrise over Old Havana

a group of men standing on a balcony

Professor Ethan Hollander instructs the students on the first full day in Havana.

a man sitting on a balcony looking out a window

Bailey Combs on the rooftop of the Plaza Hotel in Havana

a man talking to a man

Professor Hollander

a man pointing to the side of a building

Matt Binder and Juan Meza look out at the city of Old Havana

a man sitting at a table

Professor Morales, a retired Economics Professor at the University of Havana, led a discussion Cuba's complicated economy.

a man writing on a whiteboard

Professor Morales.

a group of people sitting at a table

Students question Professor Morales about Cuba's two currencies.

a building with scaffolding around it

Old Havana

a group of men standing outside a building

William Burrowes talks to the group during the visit to the University of Havana.

a man standing in front of a group of people

Alex, who graduated from the University of Havana with a degree in social communication, talked about Cuba's educational system.

a man pointing at a plaque

Alex discusses the frescoes in the Great Hall (the fresco in the middle represents liberal arts).

a group of men walking on a sidewalk

Wabash students explore the University of Havana

a table with many objects on it

The "other" Cuban economy - lots of people sell crafts and black market items on the streets in order to survive.

a tower with a cross on top

The famous Bacardi building at sunrise.

a city with many buildings

Downtown Old Havana.

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