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Wabash in Cuba — Album 2

a stone building with columns and text

The University of Havana

a group of people posing for a photo

The Wabash students pose in front of one of the main buildings at the University of Havana

a large empty field with a large building in the background

After a meeting at the US Interest Section (no photos allowed), students walked a few blocks to an art museum

a blue car on a road

About one in six cars is an old American-made car.

a building with a dome and a palm tree

This building, which once housed the Cuban government, looks familiar.

a group of people walking in front of a building

Students arrive at the Casa de las Americas — an art museum dedicated to Latin American artists.

a group of people in a hallway

It's literally impossible to go any place in Cuba without a glimpse of national hero Che Guevara

a group of people standing in a room

An art historian guides the students through the Casa de las Americas.

a group of people sitting in chairs in a room

Talking Latin American art at the Casa de las Americas.

a man standing in front of a large mural of men

Our host and depictions of Che.

a group of men sitting on the floor

Ben Finley and John Decker.

a man looking at a large display of colorful objects

A Mexican sculpture comprising hundreds of individually made sea creatures.

a large field with a road and a body of water

A view from a balcony at the Casa de las Americas.

a group of people standing in front of a monument

Wabash students in Revolution Square in Havana.

a group of people posing for a photo in front of a large building

Posing in Revolution Square.

a statue of a man with a mustache

One of many thousands of sculptures of Jose Marti

a person taking a picture of a tower

A student photographs revolution square

a group of people standing in a room

Matt Binder and Nathan Bode

a green car on a road

Yet another old car.

a large building with a face on it


a tall building with a statue in the background

An obelisk atop a museum.

a person taking a picture of a man

American presidents are subject of cartoons at the Museum of the Revolution.

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