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Basketball V. Wooster

a man in a basketball uniform dribbling a basketball

Kyle Alton

a man in a basketball uniform holding a ball

Ryan Gross

a man in a basketball uniform dribbling a basketball

Kasey Oetting

a basketball player dribbling a ball

Kyle Alton

a group of people playing basketball

Daniel Scofield

a group of people playing basketball

Kasey Oetting

a man in a black suit wiping his face with a towel in front of a crowd of people

Coach Antoine Carpenter

a basketball player dribbling a ball

Andy Walsh

two men standing next to a table

Sean Grannan and C.P. Porter took the opportunity to sell some of their self-designed merchandise

a man in a basketball uniform

Pete Nicksic

a man in a basketball uniform holding a ball

Daniel Purvlicis

a man in a red hoodie with his hands on his ears

John Horner '58 leads the WABASH Cheer

a man in a basketball uniform dribbling a basketball

Ross Sponsler

a man in a basketball uniform dribbling a basketball

Gary Ulrich

a man in a basketball uniform holding a basketball

Kasey Oetting

a man wearing a black hat

Professor Greg Dallinger with split interests (representing his alma mater and his current home)

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