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Midnight Munch - Fall Semester 2013

a group of people standing in a room

Associate Dean of Students Will Oprisko issues instructions prior to the start of the 2013 Fall Semester Midnight Munch.

a group of men standing in a room

Students await a hearty meal of eggs, tots, sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, fruit, and muffins in the tradition late-night meal served by administration, faculty, and staff of Wabash College during final exams week.

a man in a white apron standing next to a man in a kitchen

Director of Gift Planning David Troutman and a member of the Bon Appétit staff discuss their dishwashing duties.

a group of people standing in a room

Jimmy LaRowe waits for Dean Oprisko to signal the start of Midnight Munch.

a group of people in a cafeteria

Director for Career Development Scott Crawford, BKT Assistant Professor of Political Science Shamira Gelbman, BKT Assistant Professor of Rhetoric Jeff Mehltretter Drury, Admissions Counselor Wes Chamblee, and Visiting Instructor of Chemistry Greg Dallinger worked one of the serving lines.

a group of men standing in front of a white column

Wabash students braved the winter weather to enjoy a late night snack and take a break from studying for final exams.

a group of people standing outside in the snow

The line stretched well outside the entrance to the Sparks Center.

a group of people standing around a counter

Zach Canon gets some syrup for his pancakes from Grant Coordinator Deb Woods and Professor of Economics Frank Howland.

a group of people in a room

BKT Assistant Professor of Rhetoric Sara Mehltretter Drury chats with students in the lobby of the Sparks Center.

a group of people sitting around a table

BKT Assistant Professor of Chemistry Wally Novak kept tables clean and conversation lively throughout the night.

a group of men standing in a kitchen

Wabash President Greg Hess and Scott Crawford discuss the proper way to serve eggs to hungry students.

a couple of men in a kitchen

Bon Appétit Chef Jason Anderson and President Hess get the grill prepped.

a man cooking food in a kitchen

Presidential Pancakes.

a man handing food to a woman

A steady stream of students kept the servers busy all night.

a man and woman in a kitchen

First Lady Lora Hess keeps a watchful eye on that new line cook!

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