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Celebration of Student Research and Creative Work 2

a man standing in front of a poster

Jacob Caddick ’15 explains the research he and Cole Hruskovich conducted on Indoor Track and Field Indexing. Sponsored by math Professor Chad Westphal, Caddick and Hrusovich also worked with Coach Roger Busch and Professor Peter Thompson last summer to study the methodology behind indexing, then developed their own physics-based model.

a man speaking to another man

Lu Hong ’16 worked with Professor Chad Westphal to model and propagate action potentials, the rapid change in voltage along across the neuronal member which is the fundamental mechanism through which the nervous system transits information. Here he explains his work to his fellow students.

a man in a black hat

Bailey Combs' Cuban uniform certainly got his audience's attention, as did his presentation, Cubans in Crisis. Combs said most Americans' understanding of the Cuban Missile Crisis lacks an important element: Cubans. Combs, who visited Cuba last fall on Wabash immersion trip, explained that when you study and factor Fidel Castro's and other Cubans' reactions during the crisis, the story becomes more complex, and the situation in Cuba during the crisis was even more precarious.

a man in a tie speaking at a podium

Isaac Empson ’17 introduces the hour-long session presented by students in rhetoric Professor Sara Drury's freshman tutorial, A Gentleman and a Citizen: Engaging the Liberal Arts. The students modeled the deliberation techniques to explore the mental health of Wabash men.

a group of people in a classroom

Teaching by Doing: Professor Drury's students modeled the deliberation techniques they had learned in class and during on- and off-campus community forums to lead conversations exploring the mental health of Wabash men. Everyone in the room participated.

a man and woman talking

Mohammed Hasnat ’17 demonstrates good listening skills during the discussion of the mental health of Wabash men.

a man in a blue shirt

Isaac Empson ’17 listens to the conversation.

a man in a blue shirt and tie talking to a group of people

John Davis ’15 and research partner Brent Ledford ’14 discuss their work with Classics Professor Bronwen Wickkiser.

a man in a suit talking to another man

University of the South Associate Professor of Chemistry Deon Miles ’97 was on campus for the meeting of the National Association of Wabash Men and stopped in to see the students' work.

a man with a beard and mustache speaking

Several years ago you would have been hard-pressed to find more than one or two Wabash students reading their original creative work at the Celebration. Thanks to the creative writing track, seven writers occupied a presentation room for the entire afternoon and read from their own poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Here David Myles ’14 reads his enthusiastically received autobiographical essay, Your Body Strikes Back. Myles cited last year's visiting writer Brian Doyle and David Sedaris as inspirations for the style he used in the essay.

a man with his hands up

Chet Turnbaugh ’14 interned in Hollywood last summer and returned with experience writing and workshopping screenplays. He (and acted) several scenes from his from screenplay JUMP!

a man in a blue shirt

In JUMP!, Turnbaugh examines the courage of people facing adversity. The screenplay is part of Turnbaugh's senior capstone course in creative writing.

a man in a suit looking at a man in a suit

Trustee Allan Anderson ’65 and Dr. Jim Cumming ’61 talk with John Vosel's art work.

a sculpture of a hand with gears and chains

A close-up of one of John Vosel's Surreal Hand Narratives

a man looking at a projector screen

Seton Goddard shows a clip from Robert Redford's film A River Runs Through It during his presentation about elements of natural masculinity in the book by Norman Maclean that inspired the film.

a man giving a presentation

Goddard, who grew up in Montana near the setting for A River Runs Through It, explained the book and film's special significance to him: his parents met in Missoula, MT, an excerpt from Maclean's book was read at their wedding, and the river featured in the film is a family favorite.

a man raising his hand

Professor Warren Rosenberg's joins the discussion during Goddard's presentation.

a man pointing at a poster

Ye Yuan ’14 hones in on a point as he explains the details of his research on Credit Default Swaps and Capital Structure to math Professor Peter Thompson.

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