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Top 10 Visit Day, Feb. 17, 2014

a man standing at a podium

David A. Broecker ’83, founder of Legacy Biosciences, delivered the keynote address to students and parents. He touched on the significance of the day and its impact on the future.

a man in a suit holding a cup

Brad Vest '11 in Salter Hall prior to his Alumni Panel discussion.

a man in a suit and tie talking to another man

Sam Starbuck '12 (left) and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Steven Klein talk after an Alumni Panel.

a man in a suit

Reed Hoyer '03 is all smiles after his Alumni Panel discussion.

a man in suit and tie talking to another man in suit and tie

Oscar Torres '01 (left) and Jeremy Robinson '04 talk prior to their Alumni Panel in Salter Hall.

men in suits and ties talking

Brad Vest '11 shares a laugh with Brandon Clifton '05.

a group of men sitting at a table talking

Oscar Torres '01 (center) speaks during the Top 10 Visit Day Alumni Panel. Brandon Clifton (left) and Brad Vest (right) are also pictured.

a group of men sitting at a table with microphones

Brandon Clifton '05 (far left) addresses Top 10 Visit Day as fellow Alumni Panelists (from left) Oscar Torres '01, Brad Vest '11 and Jeremy Robinson '04 look on.

a group of men sitting at a table with microphones

Brad Vest '11 (right) answers a question from the audience.

a group of men sitting at a table with microphones

Brandon Clifton '05 (left) shares a thought with those in attendance.

a group of men sitting at a table with microphones

2014 Top 10 Visit Alumni Panelists (from left) Brandon Clifton '05, Oscar Torres '01, Brad Vest '11 and Jeremy Robinson '04 await a question from moderator Howard Hewitt.

a group of men sitting at a podium

Brandon Clifton '05 (left) shares a smile with the panelists.

a group of men sitting at a table

Jerermy Robinson '04 (right) addresses the Top 10 Visit Day participants.

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