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Jeff Drury Book Reception

a man in a suit and tie smiling

BKT Assistant Professor of Rhetoric Jeffrey Mehltretter Drury enjoys the conversation with colleagues during a reception celebrating the publication of his new book, Speaking with the People's Voice.

a woman holding a glass of juice

Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Department Chair Jennifer Abbott welcomed guests to the reception.

a man in a blue shirt and red tie

Professor of Rhetoric Todd McDorman praised Drury's research and book.

a man with a mustache and glasses on his head

Professor of Art Doug Calisch visits with Drury during the reception.

a man in suit and tie laughing

Wabash President Greg Hess stopped by to offer his congratulations.

a man looking at another man

Professor of Theater Dwight Watson looks over the book and talks with Drury.

a child holding a glass

Silas Hartnett, son of Associate Professor of Classics Jeremy Hartnett and Assistant Professor of English Jill Lamberton, watches the festivities.

a man in a suit and tie

Drury thanked his colleagues at Wabash and acknowledged the contributions of his former colleagues at the University of Wisconsin and Central Michigan University. The book is dedicated to his mother, Barb, and in loving memory of his father, Paul.

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