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2014 Wamidan Spring Concert Album 2

a person blowing a flute

Ian Callecod ’17 plays didgeridoo on 'Gruam', a piece played at cultural gatherings by Aboriginal Australians.

a man holding sticks in his hands

Terry Majors ’15 plays drums.

a man playing a green flute

Michael Seltzer on the didgeridoo.

a man in a dress holding drumsticks

Adalid Cruz rehearses 'Jenjala,' a Kenya harvest dance.

a man in glasses playing drums

Ian Callecod

a group of men playing drums

Quentin Watson, Professor Makubuya, Joseph Rangel

a man playing a flute

Professor Makubuya

a man wearing glasses and playing a drum

Quentin Watson

a man playing a drum

Cameron Stewart

a man in a colorful shirt

Cameron Stewart

a couple of people playing instruments

Michael Seltzer and Ian Callecod

a group of men playing drums

Terry Majors, Quentin Watson, Michael Seltzer, and Joseph Rangel

a group of people playing instruments

Leo Sugo ’17 and Ian Callecod play oryemo on Harambe yi.

a person using a wood loom

A close-up of the fingering positions for the ndingidi (tube fiddle).

a man in a robe playing xylophone

Leo Sugo plays madinda during dress rehearsal.

a man in red shirt playing a drum

Quentin Watson and Joseph Rangel

a man wearing glasses and a robe holding a stick

Haopeng Yan

a man and woman holding hands

Quentin Watson dances to Argentinian rhythms with Maria Alonso.

a group of people playing a musical instrument

A traditional piece form the Itesot people of Uganda was played on the akogo (thumb piano).

a man wearing glasses and a black shirt

Quentin Watson

a woman in a colorful dress dancing with a group of people

Quentin Watson and Maria Alonso

a group of people holding hands

Dancers Quentin Watson, Marian Alonso, Adalid Cruz, and Elena Mezger

a man playing drums

Quentin Watson plays steel drums.

a man playing drums with sticks

Young Ho Park plays slit drums for Mbembe, a polyrhythmic piece for the Ewondo people of Cameroon.

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