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Wabash Theater Presents STAGE LIGHTS - 1

a man in a suit and hat

Patrick Kvachkoff as the Tramp in Stage Lights.

a silhouette of a man walking on a stage

The Wabash Theater Department presents the Chaplin-inspired comedy Stage Lights.

a man and woman in clothing

Patrick Kvachkoff and Felicia Santiago in Stage Lights.

a man holding a cup with a white label

Rory Willats as the Maître d’ in Stage Lights.

a man sitting in a pile of newspapers

Patrick Kvachkoff in the Wabash Theater Department's production of the Chaplin-inspired comedy Stage Lights.

a man in a suit and tie

A.J. Akinribade as Max and Patrick Kvachkoff as the Tramp in Stage Lights.

a group of people standing on a stage

Max, the Strongman, does what he does for his Vaudeville act.

a man sitting on the floor with a cigar in his mouth

Patrick Kvachkoff as the Tramp.

a group of men sitting on a stage smoking

Dockworkers waiting for a shot at day labor in the Wabash Theater Department's production of the Chaplin-inspired comedy Stage Lights.

a group of men standing around each other

Dockworkers swarm around Zach Canon, the Dock Manager, looking for day jobs.

a man and woman standing next to baskets of bread

The Wabash Theater Department's production of the Chaplin-inspired comedy Stage Lights.

a group of people standing around a table

Professor Carolyn Yarnall tries to sell fruit to poor dockworkers.

a man and woman on a stage

Carolyn Yarnall and Patrick Kvachkoff in the Wabash Theater Department's production of the Chaplin-inspired comedy Stage Lights.

a man and woman holding flowers

Corey Egler and Mackenzie Hepburn in the Wabash Theater Department's production of the Chaplin-inspired comedy Stage Lights.

a man in a suit and hat

Dan McCarthy plays the director of the Vaudeville Theater.

a man in a suit and hat with grapes in mouth

Felicia Santiago and Patrick Kvachkoff in a scene from Stage Lights.

a group of people on a stage

Felicia Santiago is pulled away by Dan McCarthy as Patrick Kvachkoff attempts to hold onto his love.

a man kneeling on the ground with a man lying on the ground

The Tramp covers up the Gamine in a scene from Stage Lights.

a man in a suit and hat holding a finger to a man's face

The Tramp frustrates Rory Willats, who plays the Maître d’.

a group of people on a stage

Donovan Whitney, Mackenzie Hepburn, and Patrick Kvachkoff in a scene from Stage Lights.

a group of people on a stage

The Vaudeville Director introduces Max, the Strongman, to the troupe.

a group of people on a stage

The Tramp introduces the Gamine to Max, the Strongman in Stage Lights.

a man and woman holding hands

The Tramp and the Gamine share a dance in the spotlight at the Vaudeville Theater.

a man and woman sitting on the floor

The Gamine gives the Tramp some of her banana as the Tramp begins to fall in love.

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