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Wabash College Theater Presents STAGE LIGHTS - 2

a group of people in a dark room

Patrick Kvachkoff stars as the Tramp in the Wabash Theater Department's production of Stage Lights.

a man in a suit holding his head

Dan McCarthy stars as the Director of the Vaudeville Theater, and the Tramp literally causes him to pull his hair out!

a group of women wearing clothing

Casseia Todd and Sammie Amidon play Vaudeville Girls in Stage Lights.

a group of people in clothing

Ian Baumgardner and Carolyn Yarnall in a scene form Stage Lights.

a man and woman kissing on a stage

The Tramp receives a kiss from the Gamine.

a group of people on a stage

Corey Egler plays a Juggler and Patrick Kvachkoff is the Tramp in a scene from Stage Lights.

a man holding a doll

Shane Xuan plays a ventriloquist in his Vaudeville act.

a group of people in clothing

All of the women in the Vaudeville Theater swoon over Max, the Strongman.

a man shaking hands with another man on stage

A.J. Akinribade as Max, the Strongman meets the Tramp at the Vaudeville Theater.

a man and woman knitting on a stage

Felicia Santiago as the Gamine and A.J. Akinribade as Max in Stage Lights.

a group of people sitting on the floor with a man in a suit and wings

In his dream, the Tramp is surrounded by winged fairies and the Gamine is about to marry him.

a group of men wearing wings and clothing

A dream sequence in the Wabash Theater Department's production of Stage Lights.

a man in a suit and a woman in a dress with wings

In his dream, the Tramp is about to be wed to the Gamine.

a man and woman kissing on a stage

A.J. Akinribade as Max and Felicia Santiago as the Gamine in Stage Lights.

a man in a suit and hat holding a cane

Patrick Kvachkoff as the Tramp.

two women wearing clothing on a stage

The Vaudeville Girls, Casseia Todd and Sammie Amidon, fight for better position on stage.

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