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Midnight Munch - Spring 2014

a group of people standing around a counter

The end-of the-semester Wabash College tradition of Midnight Munch took place Tuesday evening at the Sparks Center. Students stop by for a serving of eggs, tater tots, and other breakfast foods as part of the quick study break during final exam week. Photos by Brent Harris.

a group of men standing next to a counter

Associate Dean of Students Will Oprisko and Chef Jason Anderson provide instructions to the group of faculty and staff that greeted students, served food, and cleaned tables and dishes for the event.

a group of people in a kitchen

Members of the Wabash faculty prepare their food lines for the rush of students.

a group of people standing around each other

Students were once again lined up in the lobby and outside the building waiting to taste the deliciious treats awaiting them.

a group of people in a cafeteria

Let the meal commence!

a group of people standing behind a counter with food

Julia Rosenberg (second from the left) spent Tuesday evening serving eggs to many of the 367 students who attended the Midnight Munch. Rosenberg was honored during the event as she is retiring from her role as Director of Academic Support Services at the end of the semester. Special thanks to her husband, Dr. Warren Rosenberg for the photo. And special thanks to the Rosenbergs, Dr. Melissa Butler (left) and Dr. Laura Wysocki (right) for putting up with the regular photographer (Brent Harris) as an amateur server for the evening. 

a group of people in a kitchen

A steady line of students enjoyed conversing with the guest servers for the evening.

a group of men sitting at a table eating food

Time to enjoy the meal!

a man in a kitchen

It takes a lot of work to feed 367 students over a 90-minute period. Chef Anderson and his Bon Appetit staff provided plenty of great food.

a few men working in a kitchen

Assistant Soccer Coach Victor Yanez and Head Coach Chris Keller kept things clean at the dishwashing station.

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