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Colleagues Honor Dean Gary Phillips

a group of men talking and drinking

Faculty and staff gathered in Detchon International Hall on Friday to thank Dean of the College Gary Phillips for his eight years of service to Wabash.

a man standing at a podium

Professor of History Stephen Morillo served as emcee and, after a light-hearted introduction, noted that Phillips had “led the College through progressive curricular change, increased diversity hiring, a constant emphasis on finding and retaining quality faculty and making their whole lives more humane, all in the service of offering our students the very best education they could possibly receive.

a man sitting at a podium with a microphone

'Gary was our first outside dean,' said Professor of Chemistry Scott Feller, 'yet somehow he came in and immediately realized what was most important to us, and that was the focus on our students.'

a woman standing at a podium

Professor of Philosophy Cheryl Hughes: 'When I served in the Dean’s office I learned the most from consultation with Gary—simply listening and talking through a problem with him, thinking together and asking questions, sometimes to arrive at a good solution, sometimes only to work out a process for wider consultation and more creative solutions.'

a group of people clapping

Alice Phillips enjoys the event. Professor Hughes thanked her for 'supporting Gary and helping him keep his sense of humor and resilience.'

a man in a suit and tie

Phillips listens to Professor Hughes.

a man in a white shirt and red tie speaking into a microphone

'A hallmark of Gary has always been doing what’s best for the College, and what’s best for the college is what’s best for our students', said Dean of Students Mike Raters ’85.

a man with a beard standing at a podium

Associate Professor of History Rick Warner thanked Phillips for “the art of the question.”

a man smiling at a microphone

Professor Emeritus of Music Larry Bennett offered a humorous anecdote.

a close-up of men talking

'Thirty-four years of teaching in the arts at Wabash sometimes feels as though you’re paddling against the current, and at times, I’ve been exhausted,” said Professor of Art Doug Calisch. “Gary is one of a very few people who encouraged me with incredible sensitivity to put my paddle back in the water and to continue to power forward and do what I believe. Gary inspired me back on track.'

a man speaking into a microphone

Associate Professor of Theater Jim Cherry: 'I think of this place as a place that’s deeply caring toward students, but it’s also a place where faculty and administrators are deeply caring toward each other.'

a woman standing in front of a microphone

Assistant Professor of Political Science Lexi Hoerl expressed her appreciation for Phillips' kindness and for providing resources for her work, even at the last minute, the sort of support 'that can’t happen anyplace else.'

a woman smiling at a microphone

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Laura Wysocki

a man speaking into a microphone

Professor of English Warren Rosenberg expressed his admiration for Phillips’ writing and presentations, singling out two talks which were so powerful they moved him to tears. Rosenberg looked forward to the fact that, following a year sabbatical, Phillips will return to Wabash to continue his career as a professor of religion. 'I can’t wait to hear you give another talk,' Rosenberg said.

a man holding a glass of water

Phillips: 'Whatever success that happens out of the Dean’s office happens because of the people I work with there. Staff are an underappreciated, under-recognized, and under-acknowledged group,' Phillips said. 'So please, lift your glass and salute my colleagues in the library, IT, Campus Services, Bon Apetit, my senior staff.'

a man whispering to another man behind a microphone

Scott Feller, who becomes Dean of the College in July, whispers in Professor Morillo's ear during a lighter moment of the program.

a group of men laughing

Phillips enjoys conversation with IT Services Director Brad Weaver and Professor Rick Warner.

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