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Students, Faculty, and Staff Honor Julia Rosenberg

two women hugging each other

Director of Academic Support Services Julia Rosenberg embraces her husband, Professor Warren Rosenberg, after her remarks during a reception honoring her more than three decades of service to the College

a woman smiling at another woman

Grants Coordinator Deb Woods wishes Rosenberg well in her retirement.

a man with a beard and glasses

Professor Emeritus of Biology Aus Brooks ’61 congratulates Rosenberg on her retirement.

a man in a red sweater

Dean of Students Mike Raters ’85 called Rosenberg 'passionate, outspoken, perceptive, and relentless in her efforts to make certain Wabash College educates ALL of her students.'

a man looking at something

Professor of English Warren Rosenberg: 'Every graduation there is a group of kids who come up to her and hug her, and, you know, they probably wouldn’t have graduated without her.'

a woman smiling in front of a group of people

Professor Crystal Benedicks called Rosenberg 'my most influential mentor.'

a close-up of a man smiling

'I told Julia how genuinely bereft I was going to feel without her in the Writing Center,' said Professor of Classics David Kubiak, 'Whatever small success I might have had over the years in improving student writing has been due equally to her—her superb competence and her unfailing sense of cooperation on behalf of students.'

a man in glasses with his hands up

Professor of Mathematics Bob Foote thanked Rosenberg for running the quantitative skills center after Lucy Brooks’ retirement.

a man wearing glasses and a red shirt talking to another man

'I think of Julia as almost an adjunct of the counseling center,' Counseling Center Director Kevin Swaim said. 'Everybody we referred to her came back with this belief that they’d found one of the jewels that was going to make them successful and decrease their anxiety. She probably relieved more symptoms than we ever did.'

a woman standing in front of a table

Rosenberg applauds her students.

a man in a blue shirt

'When I was a freshman I struggled my first semester and ended up with a 2.8 GPA,' said senior Ben Cook. After working with Rosenberg, his next semester was a 4.0. 'And as of last semester it was a 3.66, so I just want you to know you really help students.'

a woman hugging another woman

Professor Sara Drury congratulates Rosenberg.

a woman smiling at a reception desk

Rosenberg thanked those who had worked with her over the years.

a woman smiling at a man

Rosenberg singled out Professor Emeritus of Political Science David Hadley, who, when he was dean of students, was the first to include The Writing Center and Quantitative Skills staff in Student Life staff meetings.

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