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2014 Baccalaureate

a man wearing a black robe and a red hat

Professsor of English Tobey Herzog H’11 watches students and faculty line up for his last Baccalaureate processional as Faculty Marshall. Herzog retires this year after serving the College for 38 years.

a man in a graduation gown

A last minute look at the instructions and order of seating.

a group of people wearing graduation gowns and caps

Herzog jokes with Mark Shaylor ’14 as it's almost time to begin the procession.

a man in a graduation gown

Rudy Altergott ’14 enters the Chapel.

a man in a graduation gown

Professor Wally Novak

a man in a graduation gown

Trustee Ray Jovanovich ’84

a man wearing a graduation cap and gown

President Greg Hess enters the Chapel for his first Baccalaureate as president of Wabash.

a man in a robe holding a cane

Faculty Marshal Tobey Herzog H’11 led his last Baccalaureate processional.

a man in a graduation gown

Andy Walsh is among the first graduates to enter the Chapel.

a man in a graduation gown

Cory Kopitzke smiles as he takes his seat.

a group of people in suits

The Glee Club, under the direction of Richard Bowen, sings their first anthem.

a man in a robe standing at a podium with a large bouquet of roses

Chairman of the Board Stephen Bowen ’68 leads the morning prayers.

a man in a robe standing at a podium with a group of people behind him

President Gregory Hess reads the scriptures from Proverbs and John.

a man in a red robe standing at a podium with a bunch of roses

Wabash Professor of Religion Derek Nelson '99 delivers the Baccalaureate address.

a group of men in graduation gowns and cap

Bob Wedgeworth '59, Andy Walsh '14, Bob Grand '78, and Allan Anderson '65 - all winners of the Dr. Frank H. Sparks Award for All-Around Student Achievement pose for a photo after Baccalaureate.

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