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2014 Honorary Degree Luncheon

a man in a suit and tie holding a glass of wine

President Greg Hess welcomes guests to the Honorary Degree Luncheon and offers a toast to the three Wabash men being awarded Honorary Degrees.

a wine glass with a menu in front of a bouquet of flowers

The menu and setting for the luncheon

a man in a suit and tie

President Hess talks with guests.

a man in a suit and tie standing at a microphone

Professor Emeritus Raymond Williams H’68 offers the blessing before the meal.

a couple of men in suits and ties

President Hess welcomes honorary degree recipient Stephen Ferguson ’63, four-time recipient of the Sagamore of the Wabash and the 2013 Chamber of Commerce Business Leader of the Year. ''You have risen from a farm in Monroe County to become one of Indiana’s most effective leaders in business, education, and politics, and you have brought great pride and honor to your alma mater,' Hess told Ferguson.

a man in a suit and tie speaking into a microphone

Ferguson gathers his thoughts as he steps to the mic.

two men in suits and tie

President Hess welcomes honorary degree recipient David Givens ’56. 'It is appropriate that we should honor you on this day that this College sends its graduates out into the world,' Hess said. 'For in educating these young men to Think Critically, Act Responsibly, Lead Effectively, and Live Humanely, and to act in accordance with the Gentleman’s Rule, we could do no better than to present you as a model of a liberally educated Gentleman and Responsible Citizen.'

a man in a suit and tie standing in front of a microphone

Givens introduced his family to the audience…

a close-up of an old man

…including his brother, James Givens ’50…

a man wearing glasses and a suit

…and his son, David Givens ’87.

a man in a suit talking to another man

President Hess introduces honorary degree recipient David Lahey, who fell just one course—phys chem—shy of graduating from Wabash and graduates with his classmates in 1960. 'On this Commencement Day, some 54 years after what would have been your own, the men and women of this great College are pleased and proud to honor you as among the finest examples of our mission in action,' Hess said. 'Over the course of a remarkable career as a leader of business and community, you have demonstrated that you 'Think Critically, Act Responsibly, Lead Effectively, and Live Humanely.'

a man in a suit and tie speaking into a microphone

David Lahey

a man in a suit and tie speaking into a microphone

President Hess thanks the guests for their attendance, congratulates the degree recipients, and dismisses all for the Commencement ceremony.

two men in suits and ties

President Hess and Professor Williams talk for a moment before getting ready for the Commencement ceremony.

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