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2014 Bash Friday

a man and woman looking at a red bottle

Burt Carlson '59 and his wife check out the swag bag line.

a group of people in a room

Big Bash check in was busy all morning.

two men standing in a gym

Jim Durham '64, left, was already telling stories with his classmates.

a group of white caps with red letters

The appropriate stylish headwear for Bash '14

a man and woman smiling at camera

Carla and David Herkner '64 smiling for the camera.

a man and woman looking at a paper

George Million '50 and his wife check out the Bash schedule.

a group of men wearing name tags

'69 Classmates David Parkhill and Jim Barsz like the nifty water bottles.

a group of men looking at a paper

'64 Classmates Troy Scott and Dave Stamper look things over.

a man signing a document

Emeritus Trustee and 1959 graduate Bob Wedgeworth signs the reunion book.

a group of women talking

The wives find plenty of talk about concerning their Wabash men.

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