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Big Bash Saturday 2

a woman taking a picture of herself

Grace Ellis snaps a photo of her husband, Stewart '64, as his class participates in Alumni Chapel Sing.

a man holding a bag with a crowd of people

Skip Lindeman '64 takes a bow after he and his classmates wrap up 'Old Wabash.'

a group of men standing outside

Al Hart '69 is all smiles following a stellar performance on the Chapel steps.

a group of men standing outside a building

It didn't take long for the Class of 1984 to respond to Tom Runge's query of 'who's leading this motley crew?'

a group of people standing outside a building

Members of the Class of 1994 exchange high fives following what they believe is a winning performance.

a man speaking into a microphone in front of a crowd of people

Master of Ceremonies Tom Runge '71 was certainly in his element in front of Pioneer Chapel.

a group of people singing

The unified all-reunions rendition was a showstopper.

a man and woman standing on steps

Big Bash sung 'Happy Birthday' to Vince Buzard '64 following Chapel Sing. He is pictured here with Ann Burr.

a group of men standing outside

We'll have to wait until Sunday for the judges' verdict.

a man holding a bat

John Tweedle '64 leads the alumni in a cheer of Wabash Whisper, Talk & Yell.

a group of people standing on a sidewalk

Hey, am I too young to join in?

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