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Alumni Italy Trip, No. 1

a group of people standing in a line

Our travel group of 23 got a good start to Tuesday walking Siena.

a group of men wearing hats

Charlie Raisor, Phil Young, and Richard Gunderman listening to Dr. Cook

a man holding a camera

Ton Consantino met up with the Wabash group after a few early days in Europe.

a man and woman holding cameras

Bill and Michelle Pagryzinski are on the trip. Their son Adam graduated in May.

a narrow alley between brick buildings

A beautiful hidden street Bill assures

a city with many buildings

An awesome view of the city of Tuscany.

a group of people outside of a brick building

The Wabash travelers in front of the Basiclia dei Servi in Siena.

a man wearing glasses and a backpack sitting on the ground

Peter Gunderman '12 traveling with his father.

a group of people in a church

The group listens to Bill cook describe an important fresco.

a man wearing a blue shirt and white hat

Bill Cook

a man and woman wearing lanyards

Karna Lennes

a man wearing a black shirt

Kyle Bender '12 joined the alumni tour.

a table with pasta on it

The lunch break called for more pasta.

a man reading a book at a restaurant

Anyone who's ever traveled to Siena with Prof. Cook has had pasta at Cafe Torres.

a man and child on a wall with bottles of wine

The legend -- owner of Cafe Torres

a group of people sitting on a brick plaza

Siena's famous Campo - one of the world's greatest public spaces.

a group of people standing around a floor with a red rope

Bill talks about the beautiful floor mosiacs in the Siena Cathedral.

a woman holding a tablet

Lennes getting some photos with her tablet.

a group of people standing in a line

Bender, Charlie Raisor, Jan Simons, Bill Pagryzinski, and Rob Barber.

a group of people in a large building

The Siena Cathedral.

a man and woman looking up

Vic and Karen Hasler

a colorful ceiling with a mural on the wall

Siena Cathedral library of the city's two Popes

a man pointing at a rope

Bill Cook talking about the detail in Donatello's brass sculpture in Baptistry.

a group of people in a church

Bill talking significant details of the Siena Cathedral.

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