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Alumni Italy Trip, June 21

a river with buildings and a bridge

The beautiful buildings lining the Arno River through Florence.

a group of people sitting in a row

Prof. Cook talking before our next stop

a group of people in a room with a mural on the wall

Friday's primary afternoon stop was at the Brancacci Chapel in Santa Marie del Carmine. It's treasured among art historians. Cook said many Renaissance artists would come to the Chapel to 'learn how to paint.'

a large stone building with a clock tower with Palazzo Vecchio in the background

Florence's historic city hall.

a man and woman sitting outside

Political Science Professor Lexi Hoerl and her mother joined our group Saturday morning to tour and that night for dinner.

a statue of a man in front of a building

Not THE David but a copy in front of city hall. David spent much of his 500 years on this spot but this one is a copy. We'll see the REAL David Sunday afternoon.

a sign on a window

Just a fun photo - our hotel is located near what Bill call's Gucci Gulch - or perhaps you could call it Rodeo Drive. Numerous top end fashion stores line the boulevards in Paris. This shoe display, along with many others, brings product placement to high art.

a group of people sitting in chairs in a room with a painting on the wall

Ghirlandaio's stunning last supper.

a painting of people at a table

You get a level of detail traveling with Bill Cook you won't get from any tour company.. For instance, this room was used for Monk's daily meals. The room is constructed so that diners would get the feeling they were seated for the Last Supper. Note the window to the left and the shadows on the paintings of the apostles. Every detail suggests a type of Renaissance realism.

a group of people walking down a street

One of the world's most famous bridges - the Ponte Vecchio

a woman in a dress standing in a doorway of a store

No better way than to top off a hot day of walking in a big city than with gelato.

a woman eating ice cream

Karna Lennes.

a man eating ice cream

Kyle Bender '12

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