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Summer Construction

a man a grey sheet

1832 Brew under construction.

a bunch of wires on a ceiling

Exposed wires on the 2nd floor ceiling in Baxter Hall.

a hallway with wires and wires

2nd floor hallway in Baxter Hall.

a room with cardboard boxes

Computer room in Baxter Hall.

a room with scaffolding and wood

Work being done in the Lilly Library.

a ladder in a room

Professor Scott Himsel's office under renovation.

a room with scaffolding and chairs

Another look at construction in the library.

a counter top in front of a building

The new outdoor grill countertop.

a table with a wooden box and a green cart in a room with plastic covering

Diane Norton's old office preparing to be torn apart.

a brick bar with a sign on it

A look at where the cooks will stand when grilling.

a brick wall with a pile of bricks and a traffic cone

No more trees outside Baxter Hall.

a table with a pile of paper bags and a mop

The essentials for building things.

a metal grate on a floor

The grill top.

a room with a ladder and a ladder

2nd floor of the Lilly Library undergoing renovation.

a man standing in a room

New offices are being constructed on the Northeast side of the library.

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