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Wabash vs. Hampden-Sydney Feature Album 2

a group of men posing for a picture

Hampden-Sydney Student Government President Aaron Gilani and Chairman of Student Court Peter Dooley with Wabash College Student Body Vice President Carter Adams

a group of people standing outside

Presidents Howard and Hess hosted a joint tailgate prior to the game.

a group of men standing together

HSC President Chris Howard, HSC alum Adam Stockton, Wabash alum Matthew Stockton '97, and Wabash President Greogry Hess

a group of people singing on a football field

The Wabash College Glee Club greeted HSC fans with by singing their fight song.

a group of people on a football field

The Wabash College Glee Club followed up with Old Wabash.

a man in a red shirt with a beard raising his hand

History Professor Rick Warner joins in singing Old Wabash.

a football team in red shirts

The team came ready to win.

a man standing next to a football player

Head Coaches Erik Raeburn and Marty Favret chat before the game.

a group of men standing on a track

NCAA President Mark Emmert joined the two college presidents and the honorary captains Adam and Matthew Stockton for the coin flip.

a group of football players huddle on a field

The teams' captains meet for the coin flip.

a group of people standing on a field

NCAA President tosses the coin to start the game.

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