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2014 Chapel Sing_RP

a group of men shaking hands

Last minute encouragement before the vocalizing begins!

a group of people walking on grass

The Phi Psis march in.

a man wearing sunglasses and holding a phone

Sphinx Club member Corey Egler readies for judging.

a group of people standing together in front of a building

The Chapel steps were crowded.

two men holding each other's hands

Arms linked around a Phi Delt pot.

a man with face paint standing next to another man

A Sigma Chi holds his own inside the Chapel.

a group of people standing outside

Spectators really enjoy the Chapel Sing tradition.

a person spraying a spray can

It's never good when spray paint meets t-shirt.

a man talking to another man

The eyes and ears of the Sphinx Club are always present.

a man with glasses talking to another man

Listening intently.

a group of people standing together

Chapel Sing is one of Wabash's most enduring traditions.

a man with a clown nose

The clown nose distraction was a novel approach.

a group of men wearing white shirts and hats

The Betas put a lot of effort into volume.

a group of men wearing hats

There is always time for a Sphinx Club selfie.

a group of people standing in a line

This Sigma Chi likes the effort.

a group of men in white shirts

On the Chapel steps, just proir to final judging.

a group of people in red shirts

One last rendition of 'Old Wabash' before the results are announced.

a group of men with face paint

The Sigma Chis await the final verdict.

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