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Recycled Cycles Open Show

a man and boy working on a machine

Professor of Art Doug Calisch and his students gathered old bicycles from various sources to create the window display for the ReVision Show at Crawfordsville's Athens Arts Gallery, opening October 10. Here Calisch works with Joey Dierdorf ’18 to salvage parts for the student's sculpture.

a bicycle part with a red shock absorber

Dierdorf's finished piece, Bad Bearings of Love.

a man using a grinder

Sparks fly as Aren Peters ’16 works cuts and grinds off pieces for his sculpture, 'Cyclist's Battle Cross.'

a bicycle chain and gear

Detail from 'Cyclist's Battle Cross'

a helmet made of chains and gears

Peters' Cyclist's Battle Cross even has dog tags.

a man and a young man working on a bicycle

Professor Calisch works with Sean Grannan ’16.

a bicycle sculpture in a room

This finished arch by Sean Grannan welcomes guest to the exhibit.

a man welding a piece of metal

Peters at work.

a person using a grinder

Joey Dierdorf and Aren Peters

a sculpture made of metal parts

Kolby Lopp ’17 created Lady Liberty.'

a group of gears on a bicycle

Detail from Lady Liberty.'

a man fixing a bicycle

Robbie Carter and Pat Embree teamed up to create the largest of the pieces.

a group of men fixing a bicycle

Carter and Embree at work.

a bicycle from a wall

Carter and Embree's kinetic piece.

a green and black bicycle gear

Turn the pedals and the wheels all move at once.

a bicycle wheel and a helmet

'Riding on Water' by Corey Hoffman ’16

a bicycle made of metal

'Greyhound' by Duc Trinh ’15

a close up of a gauge

Detail from 'Greyhound'

a green frame with yellow fabric

Daniel Miller ’17 created 'On the High Seas.'

a metal object with a yellow sail

'On the High Seas' from a different angle.

a piece of art made of metal and wood

Senior John Vosel had two pieces accepted for the juried portion of the ReVision Show. This is 'Tracks.'

a metal sculpture on a wall

'311 Crawford Street' by John Vosel ’15

a man fixing a bicycle

Carter and Embree

a window of a store

Student work adorns the gallery window and is what visitors will see first at tonight's opening of the ReVision Show at the Athens Gallery.

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