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Photo Albums

2014 Celebrating Leadership Luncheon

a group of people walking on a brick path

Great fall temperatures and lots of sunshine contributed to a nearly picture perfect Homecoming at Wabash.

a group of men posing with a mascot

Wally stops to show off with a couple students.

a man in a suit and tie using a laptop

Sam Vaught ’16 plays the piano at the Celebrating Leadership Luncheon.

a group of men wearing red and white shirts

Many alumni gathered to celebrate another successful year for the Annual Fund at the Celebrating Leadership Luncheon.

a man and woman touching a large man's face

Susan Smith H’75 created the original Wally mascot head. She noticed he needs a little touch up.

a man standing at a podium with microphones

Associate Dean for College Advancement Joe Klen ’97 welcomed the crowd to the Celebrating Leadership Lunch and recapped a successful Annual Fund year. The Annual Fund raised the second highest total at just over $3.2 million and had a record 5,000+ donors.

a man standing at a podium with microphones

President Gregory Hess gave thanks for the 'generosity that transforms this College and remakes it for each generation of students whose time has come to accept the responsibility of leadership and accomplishment that defines we Little Giants."

a man standing at a podium with microphones

Sky King ’15 told of the opportunities he has had as a Wabash student thanks to the generous donors. King has participated in Immersion Learning courses, business opportunities, and studied Western art in Europe.

a walkway with flowers and a sign

The tables at the Celebrating Leadership Luncheon were decorated with fall photos from around the Wabash College campus. Guests were encouraged to take home the photos and frames. The following photos were among the iconic images captured at Wabash.

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