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An Eagle Creek Odyssey

a group of people rowing a boat

2008 Olympian Jennifer Kaido instructs freshmen on the art and teamwork of rowing. Pictured with Kaido in the rowing barge are George Go, Jon Montoya, Tim Leath, A.J. Hamilton, Connor Smith, Kirby Cox, and Jared Cottingham.

a black vase with a painting on it

Rowing figures prominently in Homer’s epic: the Greek king Odysseus spends years at sea leading his fleet home from the Trojan War. This Attic red-figure stamnos from Vulci c. 480-450 BCE depicting the myth of Odysseus tied to his ship's mast in order to resist the enchanting song of the Sirens is a famous scene from the Odyssey, for instance, in which Odysseus and his men must row by the winged Sirens without succumbing to the pleasures of their song. (image of detail of stamnos in British Museum is from Ancient History Encyclopedia).

a man and woman in a gym

Jon Montoya ’18 puts all his effort into the ergometer as Professor Wickkiser offers encouragement and watches his progress.

a woman standing next to a group of people

Professor Wickkiser discusses rowing technique with her students and Professor of History Stephen Morillo.

a man standing next to a rack

Professor Morillo competed in rowing as a Rhodes Scholar.

a group of people standing on a gravel path

Professor Wickkiser introduces her students to Olympian Jen Kaido.

a woman and man sitting in front of a television

Kaido tells students about why she was drawn to rowing, why she continues in the sport.

a group of men standing together

Freshmen Logan Taylor, Jesse Arzola, and Jon Montoya listen the 2008 Olympian.

a group of people standing around a table with skis

Kaido shows students the different parts of a rowing scull.

a group of people working out in a gym

A.J. Hamilton, Connor Smith, Dylan Murphy, Logan Taylor, Matt Kroll try out the ergometers and learn rowing technique in the IRC boathouse.

a group of people carrying poles

Tim Leath and Kirby Cox carry their oars to the water.

a man holding a paddle

Connor Smith and Dylan Murphy carry their oars.

a group of people standing on a dock with a boat

Kaido shows the students the parts of the oar and how it will be placed in the barge.

a group of people in a rowboat

Students get final instructions from Kaido before she boards the barge and the head out onto the water.

a group of people rowing on a boat

Jon Montoya, Jared Cottingham, George Go, Connor Smith, and A.J. Hamilton

a man wearing a green beanie and jacket

George Go prepares to shove off.

two men in a boat

Tim Leath and Jon Montoya

a man in a red sweatshirt

Tim Leath

a group of people rowing a boat

The second group hits the water, including Matt Kroll, Sam Watts, Connor Smith, and Professor Morillo.

a red sign on a bench

The boat used by the Wabash Rowing Club in the 1990s is still in the IRC boathouse. Time to re-start the club?

a man sitting on a chair with another man on a rowing machine

Kirby Cox and A.J. Hamilton compete in an impromptu ERG relay.

a man on a machine

Kirby Cox

a man and woman working out in a gym

A.J. Hamilton and Professor Wickkiser check Jared Cottingham's progress.

a group of people rowing a boat

Connor Smith, Sam Watts, Matt Kroll, Jen Kaido, Stephen Morillo, Logan Taylor, and Jesse Arzola on the barge.

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