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Damon Mohl Screening and Studio Tour

a man looking at another man

Professor of English Marc Hudson enjoys conversation with Professor Damon Mohl during Tuesday's tour of Mohl's studio.

a man standing in a doorway

Mohl introduces his work in Korb Hall.

a man standing on a roof

A scene from The Anatomical Universe.

a man looking at a piece of paper

Students enjoy the creative space of Mohl's studio.

a display of a cave with a rock structure

One of the miniature sets in Mohl's films, this one occupies a corner of his office.

a close up of a plant

A scene from The Diver highlights Mohl's painting and drawing skills.

a man and woman looking at paintings

Professor Hudson and Fine Arts Center Gallery Director Laura Conners take in different aspects of the studio.

a man talking to a man in front of a wall of paintings

Mohl talks with Free Kashon about the films.

a group of people standing in a room

Kashon's grandfather, Tony Kashon, listens in on the conversation.

a man looking at a wall of drawings

A student looks over some of the professor and filmmaker's drawings

a table with drawings and objects on it

Some props and pieces for Mohl's current project about an arctic explorer.

a group of people in a room

Professor of Art Doug Calisch talks with guests during the reception in Mohl's studio.

a machine with many wires and cables

A scene from The Mysterious Disappearance of the Town's Last Resident.

a white round object with wires and wires

Another set from The Mysterious Disappearance of the Town's Last Resident, and just about the size of a cat carrier.

a woman looking through a large black machine

History and Chinese language Professor Qian Pullen looks into the small viewer that holds all six scenes from The Forest.

a pile of human organs

Assorted plastic body parts from The Anatomical Universe.

a close up of a human head

A scene from The Anatomical Universe

a woman smiling with her arms crossed

Jessica Mohl, an artist who creates metal work and jewelry, talks with her husband, Damon, after the reception.

a man and woman looking at each other

The Mohls were encouraged by the large turnout and level of interest from students, faculty, staff, and members of the Crawfordsville community.

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