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Midnight Munch

a group of people standing in front of a display case

Kristi Mangold, Susan Albrecht, and Kelsie and Phillip Merriett are ready to serve breakfast to students at Midnight Munch on Tuesday evening.

a group of women standing in front of a display

Professors Heidi Walsh (left) and Shamira Gelbman (right) are joined by First Lady Lora Hess in one serving line.

a man in a white apron holding a plate of food

Senior Associate Director of Admissions Chip Timmons serves up a healthy dose of eggs to one hungry student.

a group of people in a kitchen

AV Technician Phillip Merriett gets ready to prepare a plate of biscuits and gravy as the students filter through the line. He is usually behind the scenes making sure campus events sound and look great. This time he was front and center as the first face to greet students in the food line.

a group of people in aprons and gloves

Administrative Assistant Kristi Mangold was on pancake duty.

a man holding a plate of food

Students hungry from studying - or just hungry - came in masses to Sparks Center for the semester's end tradition, Midnight Munch.

a group of women cooking in a kitchen

Professor Bronwen Wickkiser and Meredith Hess had the sticky job of pouring syrup for pancakes.

a group of people standing in a room

A steady stream of students enjoyed breakfast served by the faculty and staff volunteers.

a woman cooking in a kitchen

Katrynka Hines scrambled countless eggs during the one-hour breakfast feast.

a man in apron and bow tie standing in front of a counter

Professor Greg Dallinger gave studying advice as students grab their late-night snack, 'If you don't know it by 2 a.m. you aren't going to know it by 9 a.m. Go to bed.'

a man in a white coat in a kitchen

Executive Chef Jason Anderson kept the kitchen hopping with fresh biscuits, gravy, sausage, bacon, pancakes, and potatoes.

a woman in a kitchen

Professor Laura Wysocki had a smile on her face while carting clean trays for the next round of students.

a man in a white shirt working in a kitchen

Debbie Frye kept the dishes clean - no small feat when feeding a small army of hungry men!

a man in a white shirt and black hat cooking food

Mark Anderson finishes prepping another pan of sausage.

a group of men in a kitchen

Sports Information Director Brent Harris served as a kitchen runner, helping keep both serving lines full of hot food.

a man in a kitchen

Biology's Mark Elrod grabs another tray of pancakes. He logged a lot of steps as a runner as well.

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