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Student Life Team Shares Expertise

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Nick Schenkel ’15 was one of dozens of student leaders participating in the annual H.E.L.P. session.

a man standing at a podium

Associate Dean of Students Marc Welch ’99 welcomes the participants.

a man speaking at a podium

President Gregory Hess thanked students for their work and reminded them of their invaluable role in helping to establish the moral compass of a liberal arts education.

a man wearing a hat and jacket

Adam Raines ’17 listens to President Hess.

a man standing at a podium with his hand up

Clayton Lengerich ’15 speaks to the group.

a man looking at another man

Professor and FIJI advisor Dan Rogers talks with College physician John Roberts ’83.

a woman smiling at a man at a podium

Dean Welch introduces College nurse Carol Lamb.

a man standing at a podium with his hand raised

Dr. Roberts talks about Substance Abuse—Signs and Response.

a man speaking at a podium

College physician Scott Douglas ’84 explains the signs of alcohol poisoning.

a man standing in front of a crowd

Dr. Douglas

a group of people sitting around tables

Students relax during a break between sessions.

a man with a mustache and sunglasses

Crawfordsville Fire Department Chief Inspector Brian Bechtel talks with Wabash Director of Safety and Security Rich Woods.

a man in a blue shirt

Rich Woods leads a session on leadership.

a man in a blue shirt

Rich Woods

a woman in a black shirt

Director of Student Engagement and Success Heather Thrush spoke to student leaders about Title IX and its implications on campus.

a woman holding a piece of paper

Heather Thrush reads the College policy on Title IX.

a woman standing in front of a man standing in front of a screen

Wabash counselors Jamie Douglas and Kevin Swaim ’83 lead a session on mental health issues.

a woman giving a presentation

Counselor Jamie Douglas

a group of men sitting in a room

Brett Wyatt ’18 listens to the presentation.

a man with his hands raised

Counselor Kevin Swaim

a man standing at a podium with a projector screen

Associate Dean Welch thanks the students for their participation in the day's sessions.

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