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Students, Industry Leaders Connect through CIBE

a man talking to a man

Brendan King ’16 connects with LNR Properties President Corey Olsen ’85 during a break in the meeting.

a man in a suit talking to a group of people

Jake Budler ’17 describes his work at CIBE to the alumni committee members.

a group of people sitting at tables in a room

The meeting took place at College’s new Will and Ginny Hays Center for Leadership and Community Development on the third floor of the Chase Bank building in downtown Crawfordsville.

a man in a suit pointing at something

The Liberal Arts Plus initiatives are part of the vision of President Gregory Hess for the College.

a man in a suit and tie

Sky King ’15 describes one of his projects.

a man in a striped shirt

Union Station Technology Center COO Shane Fimbel ’02 describes his own work in the non-profit world.

a group of men sitting in chairs

Sky King ’15

a man sitting at a table

Shane Fimbel ’02

a man sitting at a table

Legacy Biosciences founder David Broecker ’83 enjoys a lighter moment during the meeting.

a man in a maroon sweater

Brendan King describes his project.

a man in a red sweater

Brendan King listens to feedback from alumni.

a man wearing glasses and a maroon sweater

CIBE Director Roland Morin ’91 talks about the programs offered through the CIBE.

a man in a suit

MarketMaker4 CEO David Bowen ’99 talks with Brendan King.

a woman smiling at a man

Dean for Advancement Michelle Janssen

a man sitting in a chair

Bachmann Professor of Economic Frank Howland is a member of the advisory committee.

a group of men sitting at a table

The students came up with their own symbols, tongue-in-cheek, for CIBE's work.

a man smiling with arms crossed

Apparatus President Aman Brar ’99

a man sitting in a chair

Dean of Students Mike Raters ’85.

a man sitting at a table

Indiana University Research and Technology Center Head of Startup Joe Trebley ’01.

a man in a suit sitting in a room

LNR Properties President Corey Olson ’85.

a man in a suit and glasses talking to another man

President Gregory Hess

a man sitting at a table

Union Station Technology Center COO Shane Fimbel talks with Sky King ’15.

a man talking to another man

Brendan King ’16 talks with Corey Olsen ’85.

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