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Wabash Classics: Soldiers Returning Home, 3/30/2015

a group of people sitting in chairs

The Classics Department hosted Soldiers Returning Home: Ancient Greece, the Theater of War, and Veterans Today, a reading and panel discussion of Sophocles’ Ajax and the challenges faced by today’s soldiers and their families as they come home from war.

a group of people sitting in chairs

Sheila Murnaghan (left), of the University of Pennsylvania, prepares notes while Nate Kring '10 (center) and Professor of English emeritus Tobey Herzog H'11 talk prior to the presentation.

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Murnaghan is a foremost scholar of Classics.

a woman standing at a podium

Ajax is an ancient Greek play about the deep effects of psychological trauma on a soldier and his family.

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Clayton Lengerich ’15 (left) delivers lines from Ajax while Joe Mount ’15 looks on.

a man sitting in a room reading a paper

Eddie Pingel ’15 played the role of Ajax.

two men sitting on stools in a classroom

The themes featured in Ajax -- valor, honor, anger, and choice vs. fate in the theater of war –- are still very relevant today.

a man holding papers in front of another man

The dramatic reading of Ajax was a prelude to the panel discussion.

a man looking at a piece of paper

The Greeks were aware of the therapeutic power of art, believing that creating and performing works of art had the potential to heal.

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Bronwen Wickkiser, Assistant Professor of Classics (left), moderated the discussion that featured Herzog, Murnaghan, and Kring.

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Herzog answers a question from the audience.

a group of people sitting in chairs

Murnaghan makes a point.

a group of people sitting in chairs

Kring brought the experiences of current soldiers to light.

a woman sitting in a chair

'The time seemed right to bring the Ajax to the table for discussion and reflection,' said Wickkiser.

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Kring served in the Middle East for the U.S. Army.

a woman sitting in a chair

Murnaghan listens to an audience member's comment.

a woman sitting in a chair

The program provided plenty of useful dialogue.

a man and woman sitting in chairs

Tom Johnson (in sun glasses), who served in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine, shares a thought.

a man in glasses sitting in a classroom

U.S. Navy veteran Barry Morrison was a welcome participant.

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Robert Pugh, a memeber of the U.S. Army's 103rd Rifle Unit, served in World War II.

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