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Science Club at Hoover Spring 2015 - Album 1

a man and a girl working on a model of a brain

Students from Chemistry Club, Biology Club, Society of Physics Students, Math Club, Global Health Club, and Psychology Club spent one day a week during the Spring semester with 4th and 5th grade students at their after-school Science Club.

a man in a red shirt looking at a computer screen

Psychology Club students introduced the elementary school students to the lie detector test.

a man touching a hand of a girl

Professor Neil Scmitzer-Torbert demonstrates how sometimes the brain can play tricks on the senses - seeing is believing.

a man giving a small cup of yogurt to a girl

Tricking the tastebuds

a girl with gloves and a spoon in her hand

Learning about the brain by looking at sheep brains

a group of kids pointing at something on a wall

The Public Health Club explored the spread of germs, sugar in soft drinks, iron in cereal, and pollution in the air.

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