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Chapel Sing 2015, No. 3

a group of men standing in a circle

The Phi PSis get some last-minute advice on the Mall.

a person signing a signature on a person's arm

In the reimagined Chapel Sing, thses numbers proved important.

a man in red and white striped outfit holding a cup

Sphinx Club members offer a little support before the singing begins.

a group of men laughing

There are distractions aplenty.

a group of people with their arms raised

Chapel Sing is a spectator sport too.

a group of men wearing red bandanas and white shirts

Remember: Always. Keep. Singing.

a man in sunglasses and a hat looking at another man

Sphinx Club members listen intently.

a man in a white shirt

He makes it look easy.

a group of men wearing white shirts and hats

The Pioneer Chapel steps can be a hectic place for the Beta pledges.

a group of men wearing white shirts with red writing on their faces

Kappa Sigma's pledges are in unison.

a man wearing glasses and a white shirt

With the voice he has, this guy should be on statge.

a group of men raising their hands

There was no lack of enthusiasm -- or volume -- inside the Chapel.

a man with black face paint

There were plenty of smiles when Sigma Chi entered Pioneer Chapel.

a person holding a pen and writing on a piece of paper

You never know how the numbers will work out.

a man in red shirt sitting at a table

Zach Greene during the judging.

a group of men sitting at a desk in a room with white benches

Picking a winner is not easy.

a group of people in red shirts

This year, you earned a 'W' if you sang 'Old Wabash' well.

a group of people wearing red shirts

The cardbaord template was cumbersome, but worth it.

a man signing a sign on a man's shoulder

Earning a 'W' makes it all worthwhile.

a group of people raising their hands

High fives for being invited into Chapel to sing.

a group of people protesting

The Phi Psi upperclassmen sang along in support.

a group of men wearing red and white striped shirts and hats

Chapel Sing is always an enjoyable event.

a group of people with face paint

There were plenty of scarlet 'Ws' to go around.

a group of people in white t-shirts

Chapel Sing welcomes the freshman class into the Wabash brotherhood.

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