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122nd Monon Bell Classic Pregame

a grill with hot dogs and a bun on it

Some tailgaters prefer the basics.

a group of people standing around a table

The Wabash tailgate area in Greencastle was packed, as usual.

a man and woman playing bean bag toss

The bean bags were flying from all directions.

a man in a red and white striped outfit taking a picture of another man

Scott Purucker '16 snaps a quick pic of the Monon Bell upon its arrival.

a man in a car with a bell

The Bell tolls for thee...

a man wearing a white jacket with red writing on it

Always means always!

a woman cooking food on a grill

This grill required serious attention.

a man wearing a red hoodie and white hat

It was a perfect afternoon for football.

a dog wearing a red sweater

Whether on two legs or four, the smart ones root for Wabash!

a group of people standing in a field

Everyone enjoys the spectacle of a selfie.

a man cooking food on a fire

Double, double toil and trouble. Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

a man holding a plate of food

Now that's a burger.

a group of people outside

There were Wabash smiles everywhere, both pregame and post.

a man in a fur hat holding an object

There is a right time to show off every skill.

a collage of a game

The goal is the same, only the target artwork is different.

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