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Rodrigo Porras delivers a pass.
Jacques Boulais collides with the Fontbonne keeper.
Christian Stiverson about to deliver a ball to the midfield.
Mohamed Ndour signals his run.
Free Burton wins the ball from a defender.
Alexis Arellano sends the ball wide.
Christian Stiverson contests for the loose ball.
Mohamed Ndour sends the ball to the touchline.
Christian Stiverson sends the ball upfield.
Christian Stiverson delivers.
Alexis Arellano makes a run upfield.
Christian Stiverson fights for the ball in the midfield.
Dayton Jennings makes a throw.
Alexiz Arellano controls.
Benjamin Wachnicki sprints back to apply pressure.
Nikola Kajmakoski sends the ball across.
Max Rowley turns out of pressure.
Spase Dorsuleski sends a defensive header away from goal.
Pressure didn't effect Free Burton.
Benjamin Wachnicki brings the ball down to make a run.
Mike Gore contests.
David Riggs makes the play to the middle.
Riley Pelton holds off a defender in the final moments of the match.
Max Roley seals the win in the final minute.
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