Big Bash 2017 Wally 8.0: A Symposium on Technology & the Liberal Arts
Sasso ’82: 'I've been fortunate, blessed really, not just to be learning my trade, but creating it…moving knowledge forward. I didn't set out to create devices—that came from a struggle, to not being able to help a particular patient with a particular problem. I had to figure that out. Being able to create something that helps someone—I think that comes from Wabash.'
Brian Kopp '98, North American President of Catapult, presented 'How Sports Technology is Keeping Athletes Healthier and Improving the Game.' He said of the explosion of sports data, 'The revolution started with baseball. Moneyball was taking data you already had and using it in systematical ways. It was how you interpreted the data.' For example, from throwing hand to catcher's mitt, there are more than 300 measurable data points on each MLB pitch.