Big Bash 2018 Citizen Wally: A Symposium on Citizenship and the Liberal Arts
Professor Hadley dedicated his talk to his son, Nathan, who introduced him to fly fishing and 'launched me on the journey that would immerse us together in the waters of the San Juan, Madison, and Gallatin rivers of the West, the Red and White rivers in Arkansas… and my own 'home waters' of Sugar Creek and civic engagement.'
'A two-party system is a healthy thing,' Goldsmith said, 'it's just that too many people have lost their voices. As districts becoem narrower and partisianship becomes higher, it's tougher to overcome that simply with information. Even in a tech-driven world, it's cross disciplinary thinking that gets results.'
Coach Robert H. Johnson Speaking At Big Bash 2018
'You can control your Attitude, your Concentration, and your Effort'. Wabash emeritus cross country and track & field coach Robert H. Johnson shared the A.C.E. Factor with alumni as part of his talk on Coach Speak and Citizenship.