Scarlet Yarns is the ongoing audio history project that collects Wabash College stories from alumni and friends of the College. Here, Jon Pactor '71, spoke primarily of his friendship with legendary Classics Professor Theodore Bedrick H'52.
SaVonne Bennettee '19 is the 2018 host of Scarlet Yarns.
Brand Selvia '17 had plenty to talk about.
Marlon Lewis '20 is handling the audio engineering duties.
Wow, did Richard Rose '54 have some great stories to share.
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry David Phillips talks to SaVonne Bennette about the College's history.
Trent Scott
Chris Halkides
Bob Grand '78
Ray LaDriere '78 and Bob Grand '78 told stories about their longstanding friendship
Classmates Kip Chase ’03 and Brian Drwecki
Marlon Lewis ’21 enjoys a lighter moment between recording sessions.
Scarlet Yarns is the ongoing audio history project that collects Wabash College stories from alumni and friends of the College. Here, Jon Pactor '71, spoke primarily of his friendship with legendary Classics Professor Theodore Bedrick H'52.