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Big Bash 2018 Golf Outing

two men in a golf cart

Alums pose for a picture during the Big Bash 2018 Golf Outing.

a group of people in golf carts

Alums start their engines to begin the Big Bash 2018 Golf Outing.

a group of people driving golf carts

Wonder who had the better shot, Aaron Selby '06 or Daniel Bartnicki '98?

two men in a golf cart

Thumbs up for Big Bash 2018.

a couple of people in a golf cart

Big Bash, Big Fun.

a man swinging a golf club

Excellent form #WhoseIsBetter?

a group of people in golf carts

Calm before the 'Fore!'

a group of people in golf carts

Hole in what?!

a man driving a golf cart

Racing to the green.

a man playing golf on a golf course

Look at that composure #WhoseIsBetter?

a man playing golf on a golf course

Long putt? No problem.

a close-up of a golf bag

Big Bash 2018 Golf Outing.

a couple of people driving a golf cart

Big smiles from Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hatfield '68.

a group of men standing next to golf carts

Alums catching up prior to the Big Bash 2018 Golf Outing.

a woman swinging a golf club

Beautiful swing #WhoseIsBetter?

a man playing golf on a golf course

'I think it went over there.'

a man swinging a golf club

Dean Michael Raters '85 looks in awe #WhoseIsBetter?

a group of men wearing red shirts and white caps

Big Bash 2018 Golf Outing.

two men driving a golf cart

And they said we couldn't golf.

a group of men in a golf cart

Alums goofing around at the Big Bash 2018 Golf Outing.

a group of people on a golf course

Get in the hole!

a group of men playing golf

Wabash Always Putts

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